Monday, March 30, 2015

Extra Blog: March

It's march madness at the courier as we struggle to gather the much needed articles for our upcoming issue. While I have been diligently gathering the next Claremont Kid's pages material, I was recently tasked to look into an issue over at Cal-Poly. This particular assignment was my first step to being a reporter since I had to run a few background checks on who I was talking to. And when I say background checks I don't mean typing "Megan's law" into my search engine, I mean going onto the Cal-Poly site and scrolling through names and  specific departments for contact information. Once I obtained a decent list of people to contact on the matter at hand, I sent a few emails and made a few calls that is-not without first having a few pages of notes and questions to ask. As of now, I have just completed my first draft but I need to make a LOT of changes. I'm still in the process of learning how to condense my work. I have a tendency to set up scene and delve further into the topic then I need to. So hopefully by the end of this month I will have conquered my current challenge and that is: getting to the damn point.

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